1.1. The journal ,,Transport and Machinebuilding" (hereinafter referred to as the Journal) is a periodic international peer-reviewed and refereed scientific-technical publication of the Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering at Georgian Technical University. Its aim is to foster academic discussions on issues related to mechanics and industrial engineering.
1.2. The title of the Journal is ,,Transport and Machinebuilding", in English – ,,TRANSPORT AND MACHINEBUILDING".
1.3. The Journal is published at least three times a year in both Georgian and English.
1.4. The Journal operates both within the territory of Georgia and internationally, in accordance with its objectives.
1.5. The Journal collaborates with local and international scientists, both Georgian and foreign.
1.6. All material and non-material copyright rights for published materials in the Journal will be protected.
1.7. The Journal has been assigned an international classification (ISSN 1512-3537) and an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN).
2.1. The objective of the Journal is to periodically publish scientific research papers developed by the faculty’s professors, researchers, and technical staff. Additionally, it aims to identify successful students engaged in research and involve them directly in the research process led by the faculty’s academic staff.
2.2. The Journal’s task is to achieve a high scientific status and international recognition, positioning itself among respected scientific journals with established international traditions.
2.3. The Journal adheres to the ethical standards of scientific publication.
3.1. The organization of the Journal’s activities is managed by the Editor-in-Chief.
3.2. The overall policy and main directions of the Journal are determined by the Editor-in-Chief in agreement with the Editorial Board.
3.3. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the academic quality and content of the Journal.
3.4. The Editorial Board serves as the Journal’s advisory body.
3.5. The Journal has a Technical Editor, who reports directly to the Editor-in-Chief.
3.6. The Journal is managed in accordance with these regulations.
4.1. The Editorial Board consists of at least five members, including the Editor-in-Chief and the Technical Editor.
4.2. The Chairman of the Editorial Board and the Editor-in-Chief is the Dean of the Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering at Georgian Technical University.
4.3. A member of the Editorial Board may be a representative of a partner university or organization of Georgian Technical University.
4.4. A member of the Editorial Board may also be a professor actively working in the relevant field at Georgian Technical University.
5.1. All material and non-material copyrights of the materials published in the Journal will be protected.
6.1. These regulations take effect upon the signature of the Dean of the Faculty of Transport Systems and Mechanical Engineering at Georgian Technical University.
6.2. These regulations shall become void upon the approval of new regulations and/or the termination of the Journal.